Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wait--Who's Tom Cruise?

So getting lost isn't always a bad thing. Wednesday night while trying to find a club around Leicester square we saw a bunch of flashing lights and people and fences by a theater. We saw that it was for Tom Cruise's new movie. The one about world war two. Valkyrie. Well it was the premiere and Tom and Katie were there. (in case you don't believe me here's a link for some evidence!)

I'm pretty sure we saw his feet getting in to the car they drove away in. We couldn't get too close because of fences and people and had to squat down to look but it's still probably more than you've seen of him! :) [o yeah, Sally, one of my friends here wasn't sure who Tom was and asked if he had gray hair and only remembered when we said he was the crazy one jumping on Oprah's couch.]

I had my advising stuff yesterday. We still don't know about my internship because the hospital is being slow with paper work and things. Hopefully Friday we will know. otherwise Lauren (the assistant director, in charge of the internships) said we would look for something else. So hopefully tomorrow!

We go to the play or musical Blood Brothers tonight as a group. I'm excited, I think it will be a lot of fun.

Well Hope you have a wonderful day! It's lunch time so we're going to go eat! Updates again soon hopefully :)

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