Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sunday through Wednesday

I'm really sad I can't think of witty titles to put on these but this way you know exactly what to expect!

As many of you know one of my favorite things in the entire world to do is worship. Ever since we got here I have been wanted to find a church that could be my temporary home here. Last week Sunday and this week I went with some people to Hillsong London Church. Some of you may know about Hillsong music as they do a lot of worship songs. Well they sing the newest Hillsong songs because Hillsong is originated in Australia and then the one in London. So the songs I am singing now will be the ones we are singing at home when we get back. Even though all of the songs they sang (except for one) were new they are really easy to catch on to and I really enjoyed it. The first half hour of the service was like a Christian rock concert. Awesome. And even though the service was long it went by quickly.

You can't tell very well but this is a picture from google of what it looks like.

They have 2 services in the morning and one at 5:00 pm. The service takes place in the theatre that is used for the musical “We will rock you” (the queen one) during the week. So it’s huge. And almost every seat is filled. So it’s a little bigger than I am used to for sure and I’ll probably check out another one this week maybe. It’s really just great to be back worshiping and am glad I’ve found somewhere that will feed my craving if I can’t find somewhere else :)

I also was surprised with a dozen roses on Sunday morning :) Since we were gone all day Saturday the receptionist found me Sunday morning and gave them to me. They are gorgeous. :)

This week in class we talked about the UK constitution and the US constitution and some comparisons of them. We talked about which is more democratic and I am left indifferent (as I normally am on issues like this) Each have good things that I think the other should maybe look at and take into consideration. Anyways….

Monday night 3 other girls and I went to the premiere of “Confessions of a Shopaholic”. [Going to the premiere isn’t going to the actual movie; it’s just being there as everyone is walking into the movie] Armed with our cameras and ready to see some famous people we found a great place in like the second row behind the barricade. Although there weren’t too many famous people that we knew we did see Isla Fisher and Hugh whateverhislastnameis, (the main actors), and this ‘Duncan’ guy that the English girls in front of us were really excited about. It was a lot of fun to go to even though we were getting squished by the people behind us.

Tuesday my internship was kind of boring. I sat at main reception for the afternoon and am actually kind of able to tell people where to go. Today at it I sat in on the NVQ class again (this is the Health Care Assistant course). I got to practice taking blood again too! I also got a form for a uniform :) I am even a little excited about that just so on the wards I will fit in a little more and maybe be able to get some more hands on stuff.

Well there is the run down of this week. :) This weekend I have no idea what I am up to. My friends have some friends coming from Wales so they will be showing them all around but another friend and I were talking about maybe doing a couple day trips to anywhere…we currently have no plans though. I’d like to go to Windsor to see where the Queen actually stays now…who knows. I guess we’ll go wherever the wind takes us! :)

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