Sorry for no updates for a little while. It has been a little crazy the past few days but I'll get to that later!
So first off. I've found a store that reminds me more of home, mostly because it's run by wal-mart so it has the same kind of feel. It is called ASDA, it's pretty much just a super wal-mart food store. It only has a few clothing stuff and a few of the other non-food things a wal-mart would have. It is much cheaper than our local grocery store and it's only about a 5 minute train ride away.
The weekend of the 19-22 a lot of the people who are studying in Wales this semester from Central came to London. So we spent a lot of time showing some of them around and hanging out. I was getting tired of doing all the touristy things over and over so Saturday I hung out with a friend. We went to the high courts of London because it was part of one of my assignments. We found a bunch of little Churches. We were supposed to go into the Temple church (it is in the DiVinci Code) but it wasn't open. We got a little lost but had a great time. It's always a good time when you get lost in London because you find so many other great places. We ended up finding St. Bride's church which was used as the model for wedding cakes.
We visited Sir John Soane's museum because it was required for my assignment. There was a ton of stuff crammed into a little tiny house. Stuff is really the best word to describe it.
We also found Drury lane and were quite disappointed that there was no muffin shop on it.
Sunday we went to Hillsong again. Just as awesome as before. Monday was class again. That night we went for a backstage tour of the National Theatre. This was really cool. I really enjoyed it. The national theatre has 3 theatres so we got to see all of them and backstage. We saw where they keep props and stuff and where they make things.
We went to a play called Every Good Boy Deserves Favor. I thought it was fantastic. There was a 40 piece orchestra on stage because the show is about 2 men who were in like a psych ward. One of them though he had an orchestra in his head--Hence the need for the orchestra. It was really cool. Part of the centre of the stage spun around to show time changes too. Over all I thought it was fantastic.
My internship was good. I was in ICU and I got to assist a nurse with her patient so it was nice to get some hands on work even if she was in a coma and all i did was help turn her. haha. I also got to watch a Dr. put a line in her vein to filter and figure out stuff in her blood. In the afternoon I saw all of the Out Patient clinics. Wednesday at my internship I got to see how the porters collect blood from the blood bank and move it around to the different wards. In the after noon I got to go to A&E (accident and emergency). This was fun. Nothing to exciting going on but I did get to help put on a plaster (cast) so that was fun.
[Tuesday was Pancake day. Just like fat Tuesday in the states. But the British put all their old things that are about to expire in pancakes. I also saw a piece of Pella today. As I was waiting to cross the street a Vermeer chipper went by! I had to do a double take to make sure I was seeing it right but I was. I wish I woulda got a picture but didn't have my camera...]
Wednesday when I got back I had another surprise...When I walked into my room, my roommate was taking a picture of me and I asked why and she told me to look behind me and there was Randy. I had absolutely no idea he was coming. What a surprise! I was in complete shock. There were only a select few people who knew and I was not one of them. My room mate here didn't even know until the Saturday before.
We had a really great weekend. We had all plans to go to Oxford for Friday. We happened to have a ticket Randy could use because one of our friends unfortunately had to go back home for a week. So we took a train to Oxford for the day. It was a fun day. We didn't really have a plan of what we wanted to see and I honestly didn't really know what to see. We found Blackwells which is like one of the largest bookstores. While everyone else was in the actual bookstore part Randy and I went into the Science and History museum. It was really cool. They had a bunch of really neat old stuff. As I realize most museums do. But this was cool science nerd stuff. haha They had a lot of hospitally/Doctor stuff as well so I really enjoyed it. (I am thinking that I really like museums...and I'm not too sure how I feel about that!)
So first off. I've found a store that reminds me more of home, mostly because it's run by wal-mart so it has the same kind of feel. It is called ASDA, it's pretty much just a super wal-mart food store. It only has a few clothing stuff and a few of the other non-food things a wal-mart would have. It is much cheaper than our local grocery store and it's only about a 5 minute train ride away.
The weekend of the 19-22 a lot of the people who are studying in Wales this semester from Central came to London. So we spent a lot of time showing some of them around and hanging out. I was getting tired of doing all the touristy things over and over so Saturday I hung out with a friend. We went to the high courts of London because it was part of one of my assignments. We found a bunch of little Churches. We were supposed to go into the Temple church (it is in the DiVinci Code) but it wasn't open. We got a little lost but had a great time. It's always a good time when you get lost in London because you find so many other great places. We ended up finding St. Bride's church which was used as the model for wedding cakes.
We visited Sir John Soane's museum because it was required for my assignment. There was a ton of stuff crammed into a little tiny house. Stuff is really the best word to describe it.
We also found Drury lane and were quite disappointed that there was no muffin shop on it.
Sunday we went to Hillsong again. Just as awesome as before. Monday was class again. That night we went for a backstage tour of the National Theatre. This was really cool. I really enjoyed it. The national theatre has 3 theatres so we got to see all of them and backstage. We saw where they keep props and stuff and where they make things.
We went to a play called Every Good Boy Deserves Favor. I thought it was fantastic. There was a 40 piece orchestra on stage because the show is about 2 men who were in like a psych ward. One of them though he had an orchestra in his head--Hence the need for the orchestra. It was really cool. Part of the centre of the stage spun around to show time changes too. Over all I thought it was fantastic.
My internship was good. I was in ICU and I got to assist a nurse with her patient so it was nice to get some hands on work even if she was in a coma and all i did was help turn her. haha. I also got to watch a Dr. put a line in her vein to filter and figure out stuff in her blood. In the afternoon I saw all of the Out Patient clinics. Wednesday at my internship I got to see how the porters collect blood from the blood bank and move it around to the different wards. In the after noon I got to go to A&E (accident and emergency). This was fun. Nothing to exciting going on but I did get to help put on a plaster (cast) so that was fun.
[Tuesday was Pancake day. Just like fat Tuesday in the states. But the British put all their old things that are about to expire in pancakes. I also saw a piece of Pella today. As I was waiting to cross the street a Vermeer chipper went by! I had to do a double take to make sure I was seeing it right but I was. I wish I woulda got a picture but didn't have my camera...]
Wednesday when I got back I had another surprise...When I walked into my room, my roommate was taking a picture of me and I asked why and she told me to look behind me and there was Randy. I had absolutely no idea he was coming. What a surprise! I was in complete shock. There were only a select few people who knew and I was not one of them. My room mate here didn't even know until the Saturday before.
We had a really great weekend. We had all plans to go to Oxford for Friday. We happened to have a ticket Randy could use because one of our friends unfortunately had to go back home for a week. So we took a train to Oxford for the day. It was a fun day. We didn't really have a plan of what we wanted to see and I honestly didn't really know what to see. We found Blackwells which is like one of the largest bookstores. While everyone else was in the actual bookstore part Randy and I went into the Science and History museum. It was really cool. They had a bunch of really neat old stuff. As I realize most museums do. But this was cool science nerd stuff. haha They had a lot of hospitally/Doctor stuff as well so I really enjoyed it. (I am thinking that I really like museums...and I'm not too sure how I feel about that!)
(We saw this taxi when we first got there. Yes, that is the Periodic Table!)
After this we attempted to go to the library where Harry Potter was filmed but Gordon Brown was there so we couldn't go in and couldn't even get to the court yard for a little while. We did see him leave in a car though. After this we did a little shopping and then found the Oxford castle/prison that is now a hotel. Then we roamed to theEagle and Child Pub. It's the pub where JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis met with their literary circle to write and talk. It's kind of crazy that I was in the same place where these two amazing writers once sat. We hung out here for a while before catching a bus back to London.
Saturday Randy and I attempted to find the Museum of London. We eventually did find it after about a 3 hour walk. It was a lot of fun though because as I've said before when you are lost in London you find a ton of new things you've never seen before. The Museum was quite small but it was interesting to see the past of London. I never would have though that lions and bison and even hippos! Once lived here. There was also a part about the Great Fire which I think we both found a little interesting. After about an hour there we began our journey home which was probably another 2 hour walk.
Needless to say I got my exercise this weekend!
Sunday we went on a fabulous ride about 450 feet above London, on the Eye of course! This was really really cool. I absolutely love heights and it was wonderful to be able to see all of London. It is really indescribable how cool it is. I think almost anyone who has been on it would agree with me.
We then started making our way to Hillsong for church but got distracted by the Horse Guard and learned they were about to do the change. So we stayed to watch that, it wasn't really that interesting or cool to watch but I guess you have to see it at least once while you are here. We found our way to church then and it was just and wonderful as I've mentioned several times. Afterwards we took another walk and just took in more of London as it would be Randy's last night here. [I really appreciate everyone who helped him out while he was planning. You guys are great. ]
Well I believe this is plenty long for one blog! Hope all is well with you. There were supposed forecasts of snow here but today the sun is shining!
I love that Randy surprised you!! SO sweet. What a stud. XD probably should have stolen the periodic table car. =D That would have fit in your luggage back home right?