So I have to admit I am very scared about London. Living in a city with a population over 7 million people. That's crazy. I don't really deal well with crowds but I'm sure I'll get used to it! Even though I'm a farm girl I'm sure I'll get used to it. I love living in the country but I'm sure that living in London will be a great experience there's no doubt about that. Living minutes away from Buckingham Palace! For some reason I've always dreamed about going there and now to have the opportunity to live a short walk from it!

Next week Saturday I'll be flying for the first time with out my parents. That's scary. I love flying though so I should be fine and there are a lot of us all on the same flight. I'm sure we'll all look out for each other. That's one of the great things about going to Central. It doesn't matter your major or background we're all one big family and we really care about each other. (Or I could be completely wrong about this and it'll be every one for them selves.)
I was thinking the other day about all the things I'm going to miss. There's a lot of little things I think I'll have taken advantage of, like the blanket I'm using (or my own blankets) or driving. There's a lot of other things I will miss for sure, and I'm sure that the first or second week it will all hit me. But I'm going to push on and trust God because it's in His plan to have me there. I truly believe this, especially since I was so set on going to Wales and thought that I wouldn't even go if I didn't get in to the Wales program. But now I'm so ready to experience London and to see God's plan worked out. :)
Well I suppose that this is enough for tonight. I may or may not add another blog before I leave again, but seeing as how no one is probably going to read this until after I get there it seems kind of silly, but I do think that writing things helps me a lot so...we'll see how this week goes :)
if you don't go see the changing of the guard I think I might kill you. since you live right there anyway. I hope your flight went well and I'll miss you tons!