Thursday, January 29, 2009
First Actual Day of Internship
Read it and see if you find anything interesting :) I didn't change anything either!
Wednesday I met the lady that will actually be watching over me while I am at West Mid Hospital. Her name is Ruth, she is head faculty of nursing in the learning and development department. I also worked with Tina Jones who works along with Ruth. We did audits, which are random checks of 5 beds. They do these every wednesday morning on different Wards. We checked that the patients Wrist Id matched the names on their paper work, checked to see if certain things were done in the paper work, and the cleanliness/safety of things around the bed. We did this in a surgical ward and in A and E (Accident and Emergency).
I learned that there was double murder that came in the night before so everyone was a little on edge about that still. The wards are divided into bays, in the one we were at the bays held 6 patients each divided only curtains. I don't think I would like this very much if I was sick but they are used to it and some patients don't like the idea of having single rooms. All of thier paperwork is still paper. Which is handy because it is all mostly right by the bed but I would think that by using computers we become a little more secure with privacy. But it is kind of a pain to log on and chart, it would be handy to just quick write something in the book.
The A&E is divided in to different sections based on the type of injury, the beds here are also all divided by curtains too, except for in critical (i think) and pediatric. While we were in the A&E I got the chance to talk to 2 medical students. It was very interesting to talk with them, mainly because I haven't really socialized with any Brits my age yet since we live in downtown Victoria. They were interested in why I was here and about the Medical program in the States, just as I was about the Medical programs here.
They also told me an interesting story about the founder of the University of London. Apparently his head is preserved or whatever and the rival school, Kings something or something kings say that they've played football with his head. It was kind of strange so I wasn't really listening that much :S
That afternoon I helped set up with the Learning and Development award ceremony that was going on. It was for staff that had taken classes or done something to gain knowledge or help others gain knowledge. It was a short ceremony but still kind of boring for me since I knew no one. I did get flowers though because they had extras. :) they were really pretty. After that I headed home because we went to the musical Spring Awakening.
Although we left with plenty of time to get there we ended up being late and missing the first 2 songs. When we got to the tube station we had to wait for 2 tubes to go because they were completely full, people were almost in the doors so we couldn't have gotten on. The 3rd one was emptier and so we hopped on. When we got a few stops later though we didn't move for a while and the 'driver' said that she was given the wrong route so they had to get that sorted out. Then we got to Earl's court station where there's a bunch of switching lines and they told us that this train was terminating at Wimbledon, not Richmond like we needed so we had to get off and wait for a richmond train...
When the richmond one finally came it took a while to go and then a little while later it said that we had a red light or something so we had to wait a while before finally going. So anyway we made it there like 10 minutes late or so.
The play was interesting but good. You can ask me more about it if you really want to know but I think this is getting long enough so I will stop boring you.
We leave for york at 820 tomorrow morning so I will be gone all weekend.
Have a wonderful day!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
My Internship
The West Mid hospital is part of the NHS trust. Meaning that it provides services on behalf of the National Health Service of England. When people heard I had never worked at a hospital that was part of the trust they all got this nervous look. It will be interesting to find out what that means. I am really excited to get to know the other people and figure out how it is different from the hospitals in the states. Everyone there was really excited when they heard I'm from Iowa. They are even going to do a write up about me in their paper because people who come and do work experience there are like celebrities I guess. It should be fun.
My journey today began by train, not the underground, the over ground rail system. I was very nervous but also excited. I had no idea where to go at first so I asked and then I was terrified I was on the wrong train because I didn't see my stop but it would have been right. Due to some door problems, however, the train was delayed and they chose to bypass all other stops and go directly to where the train terminated. This meant I had to get on a different train, not a big deal it was right across the platform. I then rode to my stop where I had to change trains. This was also a little terrifing because there were so many people and the station was quite large and I didn't know where I was going but I followed the crowd and read the signs on the wall as I was walking and found the right platform. The trains were very smooth so I was able to do a little reading and journaling.
I then got off and had to hop on a bus that brought me right to West Mid hospital.
I met Stephan who will be looking after me for the next 14 weeks. He's in charge of all the volunteers as well as the work experience students (that's what I am). He's also in charge of everything from the front doors to the old part. which is a pretty big area. We toured the hospital and I have no idea where anything is or who any one is, but they are all excited about me. So that's a good thing!
I also went to their library to get orientated. I'm sure this would be very handy if I was actually studying medicine now but I think I may spend some time there either on my lunch or after work. (I'm a nerd, I know, but they appear to have a very good selection of material).
I still am not positive what I'll be doing. I meet a lady named Ruth tomorrow who I think I will be working with a lot. I also think I get to observe in a lot of different areas which will be fabulous. I have already noticed a bunch of differences and am excited for all the ones to come.
While I was waiting I read a couple articles that said that they have decreased their outbreak of MRSA (also known as the superbug) because of some new policies. Such as not allowing clothing below the elbow in the clinical areas. I think this is a good idea but know that at work I would freeze if i couldn't wear long sleeves. They are also very adamit about reminding you to wash or santitize your hands with posters everywhere. Maybe I'll learn some good things and can pass the word on to our hospital! haha
I go back tomorrow bright and early, I have to be there at 8:30. So I will let you know how that goes and if I know what I'll actually be doing!
Have a wonderful day!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
One week has gone by
Thursday we got phones finally. They were fairly cheap too. We all got the same so will have to figure out a way to differentiate them but so far we haven't had issues. We also visited a little market to get fruits and veg. They were fairly cheap too. so we were happy.
Cooking takes a long time because we have a group of 6 or 7 and our ovens and stoves take a long time, so if you have easy recipes feel free to email them! or mail them!
The play we went to, Blood Brothers, was pretty good. It was kind of funny too. It was a musical and the main actress had a great voice! It was fun to go to one even though we didn't have to dress up or anything, just the atmosphere was fun I guess.
It's been a little rainy but not terrible. Friday was cold but other than that it hasn't been unbearable, nothing like Iowa! Friday we went to class at Brikbeck College which is part of the University of London. None of us really remember how to get there but we'll all go together as a group and we have directions.
That afternoon we did a scavenger hunt all over London. Literally all over. We had like 10 tasks to get done in 2 hours that were all over. We went in groups of 3 and I was fairly certain we were going to win but unfortunately we didn't make it back first. but we still were rocking. we got all of the tasks and the extra ones done. Including having a police man let one of us wear the hat and take a picture. We went to places including the History museum, St. James Cathedral, a picture on top of the lions at Trafalgar's square, some toy store that was 7 floors! and a lot of other places. It was a lot of fun. I was quite tired of stairs and running though. We were pretty much running all over and sprinting up and down the stairs. It was fun though.
While we were waiting for one of the trains we heard an announcement about a person under a train. It was an eye opener I guess. They said it happens all the time. We were surprised that they actually said that it was a person under the train and not just a passenger accident or a delay.
We hung out friday night at ISH (international student house). They've got a bunch of stuff including trips and other free stuff going on that we can do. They also have a bar and areas to hang out at. Pretty much all of us from Vandon house were there I think.
Saturday we went to a market after we finally found it. We took a wrong turn outta the tube station but once we found it it was pretty cool. It was big too. It's similar to the Dutch market at tulip time but on the streets. We found some cheap scarves. It was really cold other wise i think we may have looked around more. It was deffinantly the coldest it has been so far.
But I'm still glad to be in Snowless warmer than Iowa, England!
Today we all rested up...we got up finally at 1. Kelsey and I did some laundry. The washers are tiny. and the dryers are huge. hopefully our clothes are clean. Then we tried to go shopping but most of the stores close at 5 and it was approching that time. I wasn't really in the shopping mood anyway. I still need to find a nice coat though. Some day soon I'll find one.
Tomorrow we actually have class. I only have classes on mondays...And then I'm supposed to have my internship but we still don't know anything about it. Hopefully tomorrow I guess. If the hospital doesn't turn out we'll find another one somewhere they said. Another guy is just working at a homeless shelter for his, not that I want to do that really, but something will work out.
Sorry for another long one. We've been keeping busy so we don't get homesick or miss anyone too much. That's not really the reason but it helps! Even though I do miss home and other things but we've been having a blast and seeing a lot so that helps.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Wait--Who's Tom Cruise?
I'm pretty sure we saw his feet getting in to the car they drove away in. We couldn't get too close because of fences and people and had to squat down to look but it's still probably more than you've seen of him! :) [o yeah, Sally, one of my friends here wasn't sure who Tom was and asked if he had gray hair and only remembered when we said he was the crazy one jumping on Oprah's couch.]
I had my advising stuff yesterday. We still don't know about my internship because the hospital is being slow with paper work and things. Hopefully Friday we will know. otherwise Lauren (the assistant director, in charge of the internships) said we would look for something else. So hopefully tomorrow!
We go to the play or musical Blood Brothers tonight as a group. I'm excited, I think it will be a lot of fun.
Well Hope you have a wonderful day! It's lunch time so we're going to go eat! Updates again soon hopefully :)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Days 1-3
I’ve written in my journal so I’m going to write some of that or the important things I guess…and then go from there :)
Day 1 January 17
My journey begins. This week was hard, saying good byes always is….The roads weren’t the greatest getting to Chicago. It was really windy and snow was blowing over them but we made it, in less the then expected 5 hours. Check in at O’Hare went fairly quickly and was easy. It was helpful that Erin’s parents were there. My bags were under the weight limit and I was able to get an isle seat. Our plane was late getting to Chicago so we were late boarding and departing and they had to de-ice twice…There were a bunch of us on the plane so it was fun. While we were in the airport we were looking to see if we could figure out who was a student going with us. The girl that sat next to me on the plane was going to Spain to study, not through Central and not to Granada like the Central program.
While waiting for our plane to go I read psalm 34. A patient showed it to me at work one day and I really enjoyed it and was glad I read it then…Verse 4 is “I sought the Lord and He answered me; he delivered me from all my fears” It helped me a lot. Especially with seeing that plane go down in the Hudson earlier. [1/20 update, I pretty much feel fearless here, I still like traveling in a group though just to be certain but I’m not scared about making friends or travel plans or silly stuff. It is wonderful!]
I also read Isaiah 43. I really like verse 3. Just another reminder that no matter where we are God is with us and looking out for us and protecting us. Always. Also verse 18—“See I am doing new things.” Already the first few days I did so many new things.
Day 2 January 18
We’re in London! It’s so crazy still! At Heathrow our plane landed and then we got off the plane right there, it wasn’t attached to a terminal, we went down the stairs and had to get on a shuttle to take us a little ways to the gate, since Heathrow is huge! But then we successfully all made it through security/customs. They did ask me for my enrollment letter, I’m not sure about anyone else though, but I did have it! It was quite easy, just a few questions and we were on our way to baggage claim. All but 2 of us got all our bags. (they had a connecting flight and it didn’t get on our plane, but they have it now!)
We then went on a long walk to the desk where we would wait for our shuttle to take us to Vandon House. We were all very fascinated with the sights, no spaces between the buildings and driving on the wrong side of the road! We got to Vandon house and got our keys and made our way to our rooms, the elevator was quiet small, only one person and their luggage could fit…
Once in our room we were a little nervous about the size of it with 3 girls sharing one closet and 3 drawers but it’s working out fine. After unpacking and getting a little settled we had pizza at Vandon House.
We then went on a little walk to kind of get acquainted with the area. Not that it helped me much…We eventually made it to a pub called The Albert. Which is just down the road and will probably become one of our local places to hang out. We hung out there quite a bit, it’s a pretty neat place inside. The lights look like dinosaur eggs, not that you care or know what I’m talking about…but anywho…
After leaving the pub a few of us went to try to fill our oyster cards, which are super handy for getting on and off the underground. A weeks pass cost us 18 pounds and we can use the tube as many times as we need in zones 1 and 2. Zone one starts at Center London and goes out a ways and then Zone 2 starts farther out, there are 4 total zones breaking up London. We’ll mostly be in zones 1 &2. More useless info for you! The oyster card allows us to touch it to a place on the gate, opening the gates with out needing a ticket. It’s really quick once you get the hang of it.
Day 3, Monday 1/11
We had to get up early to get breakfast and start orientation stuff. Westminster chapel is right across the street which is where we did this. Not to be confused with Westminster Abbey or Westminster cathedral…
Orientation was alright, we knew a lot of it. A guy from the metropolitan police came and talked to us. This was interesting. After that we had lunch which was provided for us. Huge bun like things for sandwhiches, it was good.
After that we divided into 2 groups. My group with my friends in it. Went on a walking tour of the town with a tour guide. He was good we saw all over London. Probably a bunch of places you wouldn’t normally find. And I don’t know if I’ll find them again or not but o well. It was cool to see. I don’t really remember much about all the places (as you can probably see from the pictures) but it was still really cool to see.
After that we had another meeting about Vandon house rules and stuff. We all just about fell asleep. After that we eventually went to the pub (the Albert) for supper because we couldn't find another one that was relatively cheap and open. The food was good, no complaints from us. Then we went on a walk all over London. (See the pictures!)
It was a lot of fun, we kinda got lost but ended up finding our way back! It was so much fun. I love this city.
I will post soon again hopefully so it won't be so long next time! but we've been busy as you can see!
Picture Link
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London--just the begining |
Pictures posted on Picassa. More to come for sure! I'm working on writing and will get it posted later today or tomorrow.
I love it!
Miss you all!
Thursday, January 8, 2009

So I have to admit I am very scared about London. Living in a city with a population over 7 million people. That's crazy. I don't really deal well with crowds but I'm sure I'll get used to it! Even though I'm a farm girl I'm sure I'll get used to it. I love living in the country but I'm sure that living in London will be a great experience there's no doubt about that. Living minutes away from Buckingham Palace! For some reason I've always dreamed about going there and now to have the opportunity to live a short walk from it!

Next week Saturday I'll be flying for the first time with out my parents. That's scary. I love flying though so I should be fine and there are a lot of us all on the same flight. I'm sure we'll all look out for each other. That's one of the great things about going to Central. It doesn't matter your major or background we're all one big family and we really care about each other. (Or I could be completely wrong about this and it'll be every one for them selves.)
I was thinking the other day about all the things I'm going to miss. There's a lot of little things I think I'll have taken advantage of, like the blanket I'm using (or my own blankets) or driving. There's a lot of other things I will miss for sure, and I'm sure that the first or second week it will all hit me. But I'm going to push on and trust God because it's in His plan to have me there. I truly believe this, especially since I was so set on going to Wales and thought that I wouldn't even go if I didn't get in to the Wales program. But now I'm so ready to experience London and to see God's plan worked out. :)
Well I suppose that this is enough for tonight. I may or may not add another blog before I leave again, but seeing as how no one is probably going to read this until after I get there it seems kind of silly, but I do think that writing things helps me a lot so...we'll see how this week goes :)